Brain Wave Generator is actually a brain simulator. It can simulate your brain with different states by using your sound card and speakers or ear phone. It actually generates different sound waves with different frequencies, wavelength, pitch and intensity, and when you listen to these sound waves as a sound by using ear phone for some time then your brain will be stimulated according to the sound signals due to these specially created sound waves. Presently it comes with following preset sound waves to stimulate your brain for different purposes: Attention focusing 1 (cyclic), Attention focusing 2 (from drowsiness), Creativity increase 1 (7 to 6 Hz), Creativity increase 2 (varying), Headache treatment 1 (steady 10/5), Headache treatment 2 (steady 10/5, circular), Headache treatment 3 (varying 10/5), High frequencies , Learning aid 1 (for subliminal), Learning aid 2 (for studying), Meditation 1 (basic), Meditation 2 (deep), Meditation 3 (after high mental activity), Noise sample: Distant buzz, Noise sample: Helicopter, Noise sample: Normal ocean waves, Noise sample: Rain and windshield wipers, Noise sample: Shoveling sand, Quick mental refresher 1 (end relaxed), Quick mental refresher 2 (end focused), Relaxation 1 (general), Relaxation 2 (while staying focused), Schumann Resonance, Self-hypnosis 1 (simple repeating sound), Self-hypnosis 2 (complex sound), Sleep induction 1 (general), Sleep induction 2 (from wide awake) and The awakened mind. You can fully modify all these preset sounds and even you can create your own preset sound for different targets. This piece of software could be a great healer for many diseases. This software could also be used to enhance the concentration and to improve memory.
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